When the pipeline produces condensate, trap enclosure cooling, the trap begins to drain; 当管线截止阀产生凝结水,疏水阀外壳降温,疏水阀开始排水;
Condensate Drain Valve Assemblies These valves are designed to automatically drain condensate in compressed air systems. 凝结水排水阀组件这些阀门的设计,自动排水系统的冷凝水在压缩空气。
There is an unidentified feature under the output shaft which is probably a condensate drain valve. 这可能是一个凝结水排水阀的输出轴下有一个身份不明的功能。
The Enthalpy Calculating Method for Main Condensate Water at The Outlet of The Heater with A Drain Pump 带疏水泵加热器出口主凝结水焓的计算方法
Puts forward an anti-overflow method of adding an automatic water level alarming device to condensate drain pan. 提出在盘管冷凝水盘上增设水满报警器可以有效防治凝结水外溢。
In the cleaner production of MSG, the four effect evaporation system was used to concentrate the glutamic acid isoelectric mother solution. The condensate water with a little higher COD wasn't allowed to drain out directly. 在味精清洁生产工艺中,利用四效蒸发技术来浓缩谷氨酸等电结晶母液,所得的蒸发凝结水因COD值稍高而不能直接排放。
Describes the application of Beijing condensate technique used in the rubber industry, among which consists of collecting drain, high and low conduits, condensate system and deoxidizing system. 本文介绍了北凝技术在橡胶行业的应用,其中包括集中疏水、高低压管路、凝水系统及除氧系统。
Study on Effect of Condensate Supercooling Degree on Unit Economy Considering Different Connection Modes of Drain 不同疏水方式凝结水过冷度对机组经济性的影响
Then the relationship between condensate drain and energy saving is discussed according to the comparison of several types of drain methods. 对比了冷凝液的几种排放方法,讨论了冷凝液的排放与节能的关系;
Design and Application of Automatic Condensate Drain System for Compressor 空压机冷凝水自动排放系统的设计与应用
The effect of condensate supercooling degree on unit economy is analyzed and calculated quantitatively considering different connection mode of drain. 并就不同疏水连接方式下凝结水过冷度对机组经济性的影响进行了定量分析计算。
Aiming at the problem of the condensate water in the compressor gas, the design of automatic drain system for compressor and the methods of solving insufficiency in application are presented. 针对压缩的空气中水份过多的问题,提出了切实可行的空压机冷凝水自动排放系统的设计方案,并对在实际使用中存在的不足提出了改进措施。
Meanwhile it is convenient to calculate the main condensate water enthalpy at the outlet of the heater with a drain pump by the matrix, it has very strong practicability and versatility in the production. 同时通过该矩阵也便于计算带疏水泵的汇集式加热器混合点后的焓值,在生产实践中有较强的通用性和实用性。